Crafts and Furniture revamps

Here are a few fun things my husband and I did the last year. 
This was a craigslist find, it was a light brown when we bought it.  I found the idea from Country Living. I think.  My sister helped me with the stencils. 

This was a dark brown reproduction antique children's kitchen my mom let me have.  It now serves as a toy box in the nursery.

I made my kids sock monkeys for Christmas last year!

About 4 years ago I painted numbers on canvases for my son's nursery.  I think this was one of the first times I tried to be crafty.  I painted all of the white nursery furniture black, made a new crib quilt with orange and light green corduroy with classic Winnie the pooh prints, I even made a curtain valance although it was not very even.